Meet In The Middle: Soul Solution 1
It all begins with an in-person meeting of the two of us. This would be on Vancouver Island, just outside of Sidney. If you have read about Chakradance on this site, let’s combine this with an Akashic Record session - I am trained in Soul Realignment. This is a way to help you to keep your momentum going with the physical aspect of Chakradance and with my Soul Realignment Session combined. You will come out with a greater understanding of what is truly inside of you and what also might be blocking that potential. The total session time and cost: 2 hours and $250.00 CAD GST Included.
We begin with a 1 hour session on your soul and where it has evolved from, potential blocks to your potential. possible chakra imbalances, and a lovely spotlight on your energetic self.
From the soul sync session we move into a time where we can work directly on an chakra imbalances with a gentle movement session. We do this with the eyes closed. This will be 40 minutes together in a safe and nurturing space.
Together we take both the Soul Realignment Session together and we come up with a renewal plan where you can work on any blocks, restrictions or challenges that have come forward. This is where we plan how you continue the work on your own in your day to day. Session Time: 20 minutes.
Meet In the Middle Soul Solution 2
It all begins with an inkling that you are craving more. Your soul and its journey is definitely worth reading! This is an option for those not able to meet up in person. We ZOOM and have a connection here. Yes, we an have an opportunity to move into your Akashic Records (Soul Realignment) together and a discussion of any chakra imbalances that are present. Session Time: 1.5 hours - $175.00 CDN GST Included.
We move into your Akashic Records and spend 1 hour diving into who you are at soul-level. How to sync who you are at soul level to what you are doing in the physical plane is explored. What are your blocks? What could be standing in your way...we seek to resolve and clarify.
We are not dancing in the modality of Chakradance as Zoom is not the place, however, we do get into a Chakra test to see which ones are blocked and how this connects to your Akashic Record Reading. Expect to come out with some clarity and continuity to make some shifts in your life. Session Time: 15 minutes
After we have explored your Akashic Records and your soul gifts, potential blocks, we then move into a plan to take out into your day-to-day living for your success and momentum. Session Time: 15 minutes